Perfect Red Eye Coffee recipe

Perfect Red Eye Coffee recipe

Red Eye Coffee is a popular drink among coffee lovers that combines the strength of coffee with the caffeine boost of espresso. It's a great way to start your day or get a quick pick-me-up in the afternoon. The drink's origins are not clear, but it's believed to have originated in the United States. Red Eye Coffee has become a staple in many coffee shops and is often offered alongside other espresso-based drinks.

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What is a Red Eye Coffee?

A Red Eye Coffee is a simple drink that combines regular coffee with a shot of espresso. It's also known as a "shot in the dark" or a "depth charge." The addition of espresso to the coffee gives it an extra caffeine kick, making it a popular choice for those who need a strong coffee in the morning or during the day. The espresso shot is added directly to the brewed coffee, giving it a bold flavor and aroma.

What does a Red Eye Coffee taste like?

Red Eye Coffee has a bold, strong flavor with a rich aroma. The taste can vary depending on the type of coffee and espresso used, but it's typically a strong and bitter flavor. The addition of the espresso shot adds a depth of flavor and caffeine kick, making it an excellent choice for those who need a boost of energy. Red Eye Coffee is best enjoyed in the morning or early afternoon, as it may be too strong to drink in the evening.

What does a Red Eye Coffee look like?

A Red Eye Coffee looks like a regular cup of coffee with a shot of espresso added to it. The espresso shot is added directly to the coffee, which may cause the drink to have a layer of crema on top. The crema gives the drink a slightly lighter color on top, making it easy to distinguish from a regular cup of coffee.

What is the best type of coffee to use?

The best type of coffee to use for a Red Eye Coffee is a medium to dark roast with a strong flavor. It's essential to choose a coffee that can stand up to the added espresso shot and not be overpowered by it. Arabica coffee beans are a popular choice for their bold flavor and balanced acidity. However, some people prefer a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans for an even stronger flavor. Ultimately, the best type of coffee to use is a matter of personal preference.

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Are you in need of a strong coffee to kick-start your day? Look no further than a Red Eye Coffee! This simple but powerful drink combines regular coffee with a shot of espresso to give you an extra caffeine boost. It's the perfect drink for those who need a little something extra to keep them going. So, grab your ingredients and let's get brewing!

Recipe card for

Perfect Red Eye Coffee recipe

prepare 5 min
create 5 min
calories 100
temp hot
cost $1.50
  • 1 cup (240 ml) of brewed coffee
  • 1 shot (30 ml) of espresso
  • Optional: sweetener, milk or cream
  • Coffee maker
  • Espresso machine or stovetop espresso maker
  • Mug
  • Spoon for stirring
  • Optional: Milk frother
Instructions in 5 easy steps:
  • Brew your coffee using your preferred method.
  • While the coffee is brewing, prepare your espresso shot.
  • Once the coffee is brewed, pour it into a mug.
  • Add the espresso shot to the coffee and stir well.
  • Add sweetener, milk, or cream to taste (optional).

* The calorie count will vary depending on the specific ingredients used per serving. The amount of calories displayed is a rough indication. ** The price mentioned depends on the specific ingredients used. The price displayed is a rough indication.

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Replacement ingredients:
  • VeganSubstitute dairy milk or cream with plant-based alternatives.
  • Sugar-freeUse a sugar-free sweetener, such as stevia or monk fruit sweetener.
  • DecafUse decaffeinated coffee and decaf espresso.
  • Low-fatUse skim or low-fat milk or cream alternatives.

How can I customize a Red Eye Coffee to your personal taste?

  • Add a flavored syrup, such as vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut, for a sweet twist.
  • Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder or cinnamon for a decadent treat.
  • Substitute the regular coffee with a flavored coffee, such as hazelnut or French vanilla, for a unique flavor profile.
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Frequently asked questions

Get answers to your questions about Red Eye Coffee! Check out our list of frequently asked questions to learn more about this strong and delicious coffee drink.

Red Eye Coffee is a drink that combines regular coffee with a shot of espresso. It's a popular choice for those who need an extra caffeine boost.

The exact origin of Red Eye Coffee is unclear, but it's believed to have originated in the United States.

Red Eye Coffee is significantly stronger than regular coffee due to the added shot of espresso. It can have up to twice the amount of caffeine as a regular cup of coffee.

Red Eye Coffee is a great choice for those who need an extra boost of energy in the morning or during the day. It's not recommended to drink it in the evening or before bed due to its high caffeine content.

Yes! Red Eye Coffee can be customized with a variety of add-ins, such as flavored syrups, whipped cream, or milk alternatives. You can also experiment with different types of coffee and espresso to find your perfect combination.


Red Eye Coffee is a simple yet powerful drink that combines regular coffee with a shot of espresso. It's perfect for those who need an extra boost of caffeine in the morning or during the day. With only two ingredients and a few optional add-ins, it's easy to customize to your liking. So, why not try making one for yourself today?

Red Eye Coffee is also known as a "depth charge" or a "shot in the dark" due to its strong and powerful nature. It's believed to have originated in the United States and has become a popular drink among coffee lovers.

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